Python Cosmic Star Formation Rate
The cosmic star formation rate (CSFR) represents the rate of gas
conversion in star into a given comove volume and time, typically in
units of $M_{\odot}$ Mpc$^{-3}$ yr$^{-1}$. A semi-analytical approach
of the CSFR can be used for understanding process that might have been
occurred in the called cosmological dark age. This kind of models
are computationally inexpensive when compared to N-body/hydrodynamical
The pycosmicstar is a computational program based in the
self-consistent semi-analitical model for
the CSFR of the work of Pereira & Miranda (2010).
The pycosmicstar is diveded in tree basic layers
- Cosmological background;
- Hierarchical scenario of structure formation based in the like
Press-Schechter formalism;
- The cosmic star formation rate evolution.
In the package existe two abstract classes,
cosmology and
structureabstract. The class
cosmology is passed as a parameter
for the classes that implements
This approach was used to take into account the polymorphism. In this
case, the modeling of structures and star formation are not strong
dependent of the cosmology. Thus just to generate a new cosmological
class, that implements the methods of abstract class
cosmology, to study, for example,
the role of dark energy in the CSFR evolution.

Brazilian Agency FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo);
INPE/DAS (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - Divisão de Astrofísica)